SQL Server Denormalization Tactics and Benefits

In some cases, you may want to denormalize the database model. Targeted denormalization of specific tables can improve performance. Denormalization may take place at the entity or attribute level, and therefore requires a knowledge, as previously discussed, of how the data will be accessed and used. Denormalization may be accomplished in many different ways based upon myriad performance considerations. However, the following tactics have proven useful for improving performance.

Introduce Redundancy

If the normalized design results in many 4-way or greater join relationships, consider introducing redundancy at the attribute (column) or entity (table) level as follows:

Redefine Attributes

Redefine attributes to reduce the data width of an entity as follows:

Redefine Entities

Redefine entities (tables) to reduce the overhead of extraneous attribute (column) data or row data. Appropriate types of associated denormalization are: