Test Task

For testing purposes, it is often helpful to attempt a simple task separate from other tasks you have created. The following task may be useful in debugging SQL Executive issues:

On the Server menu in SQL Enterprise Manager, click Scheduled Tasks.

Click New Task and create a new task with the following attributes:

Name: Testdump

Type: TSQL

Database: Pubs

Command: dump database pubs to diskdump

Schedule: On demand

Click Add.

Note You must execute this task from the msdb database.

Click Testdump and then click Run Task.

Click Task History to see if the task was successful. You may need to click Refresh once or twice to get the display to update properly.

You may also want to try this statement in ISQL/w to verify that you have entered it correctly and that it works as expected:

sp_runtask Testdump

This statement takes a maximum of 4 seconds to execute, so the response between start and completion, that is, success or failure, will be obvious within a few seconds. Again, you may need to click Refresh in the Task History box once or twice to update the display.