In SQL Server 6.5, you can view the SQL Executive Error Log. Do the following to set up an error log for SQL Executive.
To configure the server
In the Server Manager window of SQL Enterprise Manager, select the server for which you want to set configuration parameters.
Right-click the server's SQL Executive icon. Click Configure on the shortcut menu.
Set a parameter for the Error Log File. Specify the path and file name that error information for SQL Executive will be written to.
An error log adds substantial process overhead. Use the error log only when directed to do so by your primary support provider or when you are attempting to troubleshoot a specific SQL Executive problem.
A registry key can be added to the Registry to assist with troubleshooting when all other methods fail.
To modify the Registry
Execute Regedt32.exe and go to:
\SQL Executive
On the Edit menu, click Add Value.
Add a value named VerboseFile with a data type of reg_sz.
In the String box, type a full path and file name for a file that will hold the results of the output from SQL Executive. For example, type:
Stop and restart SQL Executive. Now test the tasks or alerts that you want to run, and view the output in the file that you added to the Registry.
The following method can also get verbose output from SQL Executive.
A quick way to see what is actually happening is to use the debugging switches -c and -v.
To monitor SQL Executive
Stop SQL Executive.
From a command prompt, change the directory to \Mssql\Binn.
Type the statement:
Note This statement is case-sensitive; you should enter the switches in lowercase only.
Alternatively, you can redirect output to a file by using the following:
SQLEXEC -c -v > sqlexec.out
When the service is started this way, nothing will be echoed to the screen. Wait for approximately 1 to 2 minutes for the service to start, press CTRL+C and then press y to stop the service.
You will not see your commands echoed to the screen. Once the service is stopped, you can edit the Sqlexec.out file and see the output generated by the debugging switches.
These items should solve the vast majority of causes for SQL Executive failure. If, after doing all of the above, SQL Executive still does not start, contact your primary support provider for more assistance.