A Graphical Interface for Building Databases

You can create a graphical user interface that allows a user to build a custom database by clicking buttons and selecting table names from a list.

Many small companies need a unique database for their business. Frequently, database functions are similar for different businesses. For example, the appointment database used by a dentist, a psychiatrist, and a financial consultant may differ only in the table and column names. Information about an appointment can be stored in a patient table, a client table, or a customer table, depending on the type of business. A company may prefer to have a standard solution rather than to pay for a customized system. You can use SQL-DMO to create an interface that will build a working database, which you can then modify to meet the needs of specific clients.

To build an interface that creates custom databases, you create an interface that accepts descriptive names for columns and tables for one or more database scenarios, such as an appointment database. The bulk of the code creates and inserts columns, tables, triggers, and stored procedures using the appropriate collections.