There are two new backward compatibility features supported in the ODBC driver included in SQL Server 6.5 Service Pack 2. The first disables the use of ANSI quoted identifiers by the driver. This allows an application to have character literals surrounded by double quote characters ("").
The second disables ANSI null semantics, ANSI padding, and ANSI warnings. These are the ANSI settings that are enabled by default in the SQL Server 6.5 driver. Refer to the SET statement in the Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL Reference for details on these ANSI options.
The default for these features is to have them enabled; ANSI behavior is the default.
To disable either or both of these options, use one of the three following methods:
Uncheck the appropriate check box(es) in the DSN configuration dialog Options extension. This is only effective when connecting using that DSN.
Add "QuotedId=NO" and/or "AnsiNPW=NO" to the attribute string supplied to SQLConfigDataSource.
Use SQLSetConnectOption prior to connection using the option and values defined in the Odbcss.h file included in Service Pack 2.