Installing the Arcadia Bay Demonstration

The following software must be installed and operational:

The SQL Mail feature of SQL Server should be configured to log in to a predefined Exchange account, and it should be started on SQL Server.

To set up the Arcadia Bay database

From the Sql\Arcadia directory on the BackOffice Resource Kit CD-ROM, execute DWSetup on a computer running Windows NT Server.

This will create the required database, copy all of the files over to the hard disk, and set up the Web server.

Share the \Setup directory under the \Datawarehouse installation directory as Dwsetup.

In Internet Explorer, connect to http://ServerName/ExtendedDW/.

In the left pane, click the computer icon.

In the right pane, click Access Database Attributes.

Click Submit Password.

The default password is blank, so you won't need to enter a value in the field.

Enter the name of the server that houses the shared Dwsetup directory, and click Submit Change.

You can change other data warehouse system parameters as needed, clicking Submit Change to process each request. The following table contains descriptions of the parameters you can change.




One of the features of this demonstration is the ability to process very large queries using e-mail. If SQL Mail is implemented on your system, change this parameter to Yes to activate it.


In order for users to access the software components of the demonstration, you must tell the database the name of the server where the Datawarehouse\Setup directory is shared.


This is the password to access the database attributes.


This is the last date that the data was moved from the order entry system to the data warehouse. It is used by the Arcadia Bay Data Transformation utility. Do not change this value unless you are sure of what you are doing.


To implement the SQL Workbook Publisher features of the demonstration, change this value to Yes.

Additionally, several of Microsoft Corporation's data warehouse alliance partners have provided information about their respective offerings. A Yes value in the field following the company name indicates that information is included for that company.

To load the remaining software components

Click the Back button until you return to the Load Software Components/Access Database Attributes page, then click Load Software Components.

Click on Arcadia Bay Transaction Simulator and Arcadia Bay Data Transformation Utility to install the applications.