Installing Firstsql.cpp

If you ran the BackOffice Resource Kit CD-ROM Setup, you can access Firstsql.cpp from the Bork\Sql\Examples directory on your computer. Otherwise, install it from the BackOffice Resource Kit CD-ROM.

To Install Firstsql.cpp

Copy Firstsql.cpp to a file on a development computer that has the SQL Server Programmer's Toolkit (PTK) components installed.

Make sure the PTK files Sqlfront.h and Sqldb.h are in the compiler's include path.

Make sure the PTK file Ntwdblib.lib is in the compiler's lib path.

From the File menu in the Visual C++ Developer's Studio, click New, and then click Project Workspace.

Set Type equal to Console Application, set Platforms to Win32, fill in the appropriate project name and location, and click Create.

Click Firstsql Classes, and then click the Insert/Files Into Project menu.

The file Firstsql.cpp should be in the Directory Contents window. Select it, and then click Add.

You can view the source by double-clicking on the Firstsql.cpp icon in the Project Contents window.

Click Build (F7) to build the project.