Implementing sp_help_set_options

Use sp_help_set_options to get an understandable listing of the current state of one or more of the current SET options.


sp_help_set_options [@SetOptNamePattern = {optname}]
[, @Action = action]
[, @ResultBits = @ScriptVar OUTPUT]



Is the name of the SET option to be reported. If optname is given as a Transact-SQL wildcard pattern, all options whose name matches the pattern will be reported.


Is either 'display_all' or 'display_rows'. The default is 'display_rows'.

@ResultBits = @ScriptVar OUTPUT

This parameter gives a summary code of the status of the SET options found. @ScriptVar should be defined as an integer.


If sp_help_set_options is executed with no optname, it will report the current state of all the SET options. If sp_help_set_options is executed with an optname parameter containing the name of one of the SET options, it will report the state of that option. If sp_help_set_options is executed with an optname parameter containing a LIKE wildcard pattern, it will report the state of any option whose name matches the pattern.

If sp_help_set_options is executed with an action parameter of 'display_rows' it will return only the result set indicating the state of the SET options report on in that execution. If the action parameter is set to 'display_all' it will also report a summary code indicating how many options were matched. The summary code, @ResultBits, is a bitmap whose bits are set as follows:

0x01 - optname/optpattern matched at least one row.
0x02 - optname/optpattern matched exactly one row.
0x04 - at least one matched option is ON.
0x08 - at least one matched option is different than its default.

The result set from sp_help_set_options has three columns:


To report all of the current option settings:


To report the settings of all options whose name contains the string ANSI:

sp_help '%ANSI%'

To report the setting for the NOCOUNT option with the @ResultBit summary code:

sp_help NOCOUNT, 'display_all'

To report the settings for all options with the @ResultBit summary code:

declare @Summary int
declare @Msg char(50)
exec sp_help_set_options @Action = 'display_all',
@ResultBits = @Summary OUTPUT
select @Msg = 'Result Summary = ' + convert(char(2), @Summary)
print @Msg