To open the SQL Trend Analyzer reporting module
In the Sql\Sqltrend directory on the BackOffice Resource Kit CD-ROM, open the Excel file SQL Trend Reports 97.
Click the button of the report that you want to view and choose a SQL Server that has had SQL Trend Analyzer information imported.
Click the Main tab, click another report button, and choose a SQL Server to view another report from another SQL Server that has had SQL Trend Analyzer run on it.
The reports available in SQL Trend Analyzer are:
This report will construct a pie chart of the five applications using the highest CPU, command, duration, distinct_user, or I/O on SQL Server while the SQL Trend Analyzer collector was running. It will default to the highest CPU applications. The output will look similar to the following:
Note To view the highest I/O, duration, command, or other applications, simply hide all columns but the one that you want to report on.
This report will construct a pie chart of the five users using the highest CPU, command, duration, or I/O on SQL Server while the SQL Trend Analyzer collector was running. It will default to the highest CPU users. The output will look similar to the following:
Note To view the highest I/O, duration, command, or other applications, simply hide all columns but the one that you want to report on.
This report will construct a pie chart of the five commands using the highest CPU, command, duration, or I/O on SQL Server while the SQL Trend Analyzer collector was running. It will default to the highest CPU commands. The output will look similar to the following:
Note To view the highest I/O, duration, command, or other applications, simply hide all columns but the one that you want to report on.
This report will construct a graph by minute of SQL Server vital signs, including CPU utilization in milliseconds, I/Os, distinct users, duration per command in milliseconds, and commands on SQL Server while the SQL Trend Analyzer collector was running. It will default to the highest CPU commands. The output will look similar to the following:
It is sometimes helpful to add another x-axis for certain lines such as the duration-per-command line. To do this, double-click the line you want, click the Axis tab, and then click Secondary axis. It can also be helpful to hide all the lines you don't want to establish a correlation between. For example, if you want to see the relationship between CPU and distinct users, hide all columns but those.
Note This data can be especially useful when combined with data from Windows NT Performance Monitor. For example, if Performance Monitor indicates high CPU utilization, minute summary can determine how many milliseconds of CPU are being used by SQL Server, and whether this is related to response time (duration per command). If it is, the Command Usage Pie Chart can be used to determine the stored procedures that are consuming most of the CPU.
This report will construct a graph by 10-minute intervals of SQL Server vital signs, including CPU utilization in milliseconds, I/Os, distinct users, duration per command in milliseconds, and commands on SQL Server while the SQL Trend Analyzer collector was running. It will default to the highest CPU commands. The output will look similar to the following:
This report will construct a graph by hour of SQL Server vital signs, including CPU utilization in milliseconds, I/Os, distinct users, duration per command in milliseconds, and commands on SQL Server while the SQL Trend Analyzer collector was running. It will default to the highest CPU commands. The output will look similar to the following: