Use the following procedure to run Import Header:
1. In the Tools\Headers directory on the Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit: Part One compact disc, run Headers.exe.
2. When the Import Header tool finishes loading the schema, select either Import or Export under Directory Mode.
3. Under Object Class, select the type of object you want to import or export.
4. Under Available Attributes, select the attributes to include in the header file. Attributes displayed in bold are required for the selected object; dimmed attributes cannot be imported. For more information about directory attributes, see the Microsoft Exchange Server Migration Guide.
5. Choose Add to add the attributes from Available Attributes to Selected Attributes. Choose Remove to remove attributes from Selected Attributes. Note that if you remove required object attributes when creating an import file, objects may not be imported.
6. Select File to specify a text file to use as the header file. If you select an existing import/export file, the file's existing header is loaded into the Selected Attributes column.
7. Select Generate to add the selected attributes to the header file. The header file is now ready to be used for directory import and export.
The Schema.hlp file provided in the Microsoft Exchange Server Software Developer's Kit describes all the attributes of the Microsoft Exchange directory service. Use this Help file with the Import Header Tool to determine which attributes to import or export.