Before you can install the Command Line Mail Sender, you must have either Microsoft Exchange Server or the Microsoft Exchange Client running on your computer.
· From the Tools\Sendmail directory on the Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit: Part One compact disc, copy Sendmail.exe to your working directory or somewhere in the system path.
If you want to run Sendmail.exe using Windows NT Workstation, you need to set up a new account for Sendmail.exe to run under as follows:
1. Log on to a Microsoft Exchange Server as a domain account.
2. Create a new Windows NT account that Sendmail.exe can use to access the Microsoft Exchange Services.
3. Create a profile for the new account.
4. Make the domain account you are logged on to the Schedule+ service logon account.
5. In the Administrator program, grant the new account the Send As or Mailbox Owner permission on the Permissions tab.