Remote Troubleshooting

SMS supports remote troubleshooting for clients running MS-DOS, Windows, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95, and Windows NT. This section contains information about the system flow of remote troubleshooting. For general information about remote troubleshooting, see the SMS version 1.2 Administrator's Guide.

The settings in the [Sight] section of the SMS.INI file on each client specify which remote troubleshooting utilities, if any, are enabled on the client. Users can modify these settings with the Help Desk Options program in the SMS Client program group. The remote troubleshooting agents and programs check the [Sight] section of the SMS.INI file for configuration settings. For more information about the SMS.INI file, see Chapter 4, "File Formats."

For all clients in the SMS inventory, the SMS Administrator uses the SIGHTNT.DLL program to obtain the computer address and the address type (a NetBIOS name or an IP or IPX address) from the database. When the Help Desk or Diagnostics icon is selected, SIGHTNT.DLL tries to connect to the client over a supported protocol (IP, IPX, or a NetBIOS protocol). Global defaults (such as time-out values for various NetBIOS Lana numbers and the IPX protocol) are stored in the Windows NT registry on the site server, under the following key:
