Creating Setup Command Lines for PDFs

The EXECUTE.EXE program, included in this Resource Kit, is used to run a two-phase setup program under the Package Command Manager or Program Group Control configuration script. A two-phase setup is one that is actually two different programs; the first program starts the second one and then terminates. When the first program terminates, Package Command Manager closes the network connection to the distribution server, leaving the second program without a network connection. EXECUTE.EXE delays Package Command Manager (and Program Group Control) from deleting the distribution server connection too soon.

EXECUTE.EXE runs the command line for a Windows-based program and then polls for its termination. Upon termination, it temporarily pauses and waits until no window possessing a given window title or window class can be found.

EXECUTE.EXE can be used for 16-bit applications running under Windows version 3.1, Windows NT or Windows 95. Use this syntax:

execute "command-line" "window-caption" "window-classname"

Where command-line is the command line that your setup program will run, window-caption is the window title, and window-classname is the window class. (Use the SPY.EXE program, distributed with Microsoft Visual C++®, to determine the window class and title.)

The quotation marks around each option are required syntax. The "window-caption" and "window-classname" options can be empty ("").

For example:

execute "SETUP.EXE /B4" "Microsoft PowerPoint" "PPApplicationClass"

execute "SETUP.EXE /B4" "" "PPApplicationClass"

The EXECUTE.EXE program must reside either in the root directory of the package share, or in the MSTEST directory on the SMS logon server (LOGON.SRV\MSTEST).