Each time an SMS client runs the SMS Client Setup program, the settings on the client can be changed. To make permanent changes, the user must use the Client Setup Options (CLIOPTS.EXE) utility, included in this Resource Kit.
The syntax for CLIOPTS.EXE is as follows:
cliopts /set optionname optionvalue
cliopts /list optionname
where optionname is either usertsr, useripx, or wuser, and optionvalue is any legal switch that can be passed to the named option. These are documented in the SMS version 1.2 Administrator's Guide.
For example, to see the current configuration of useripx, type:
cliopts /list useripx
To set USERTSR.EXE to use Lana number 1, type:
cliopts /set usertsr /L1
Changes do not take affect until the user restarts the computer, restarts the Windows operating system, or both, depending on which values are set.
The cliopts program is recommended for clients whose options differ from the norm. If you want to change properties for all clients, use the Client button in the Site Properties dialog box in the SMS Administrator. Send cliopts in a package only to those clients that require changes to the default client settings.