Remove Unused Files from the Site Server

In some cases, you can significantly increase the performance of an SMS site just by removing old, unused files from the site server. Many SMS processes scan all files in a directory each time the directory is accessed. If there are many unused files on a site server, those files will waste disk space and bog down the SMS services. Removing these old files will increase overall performance (stop the SMS services on the site server before removing the files).

You should check for unused files in the following directories:

When records are deleted from the database, the history files in this directory are not deleted. These files are updated each time an inventory record is updates, so if a file is older than several months, the file is probably not being used any more. Search for files with old dates and determine if the files correspond to current records in the inventory; if not, delete the files.

Each computer in a site has a package instruction file in this directory (if a package has ever been sent to the computer). These files are not deleted when a computer is deleted from the database. After a simple maintenance job is sent to all computers in a site, any instruction files dated before that job are for computers no longer in use by that database. Sort these files by date and delete the old instruction files.

After this is done, the same task will need to be done on each SMS logon server in the LOGON.SRV\PCMINS.BOX directory. Delete the files on the logon servers after you have deleted the files on the site server. This ensures that old instructions files are not replicated to the logon servers as you work.

When you enable file collection in SMS, the collected files are placed in this directory. These files should be deleted with the SMS Database Manager. For more information, see the SMS version 1.2 Administrator's Guide, Chapter 15.