central site

The primary site that stores system-wide information and manages all sites, with any number of subsites beneath it. The central site is a primary site where all other sites in the SMS system report their inventory and events. When you build a site hierarchy, child sites report their inventory to their parent sites, the parent sites report their inventory and their child sites' inventory to their parent sites, and so on up to the central site. At the central site, you can manage software and view the inventory for any computer in any site in the SMS system. The central site is a primary site that has no sites above it.

child site

A site that has a parent site. A child site can be a primary site that has been attached to another primary site. A child site can also be a secondary site (a secondary site is always the child site of the primary site that created the secondary site).

clause (query)

In a query, the combination of an expression (or subclause) and its adjacent logical operator. See also subclause.


A computer connected to a network and running network client software.

Client Monitor

A program that monitors changes on the SMS logon servers that must be copied to clients, and copies inventory files from the client to the SMS logon server.

command (package command)

A command line in Run Command On Workstation jobs that runs a program on target clients. A command can be used to install a package (such as an application like Microsoft Excel) or to just run a program (such as a virus scan utility).


An administrative relationship between SNMP entities.

conventional memory

The lower 640K (or less) of main memory. The remaining portion of main memory, up to 1 MB, is called upper memory. Beyond 1 MB, an MS-DOS – based computer's memory is either expanded memory or extended memory. The memory map does not map beyond upper memory.


A standard algorithm that calculates the sum of all values stored at a specific set of bytes and compares the sum to a specified value. Unlike CHECKSUM, CRC-CCITT takes into account the sequence of the summed bytes, making it a more reliable tool for identifying files.

current site

The primary site whose database you have logged in to with the SMS Administrator.
In the Sites window of the SMS Administrator, the current site is represented as a primary site with a globe.