See sender.
A binary inventory file that is processed by the Inventory Processor into a binary MIF file.
Part of an expression (such as is equal to or is like) that defines how the specified value should be compared with the actual value stored for the specified attribute. See also expression (query).
A program (either USERTSR.EXE or USERIPX.EXE) that enables you to use the remote troubleshooting utilities to diagnose or control a client.
A site other than the current one.
Tools that allow you to directly control and monitor remote clients running MS-DOS, Windows version 3.1, and Windows for Workgroups version 3.11.
A job that removes a package installed on servers.
A Remove Package From Server job can remove the compressed package stored on the site server and the package source directory installed on specific distribution servers.
A job with its Repeat option set to a time interval. (You set the Repeat option in the Job Schedule dialog box.) The SMS system measures the interval starting from the Start After time. For example, a job with a Repeat setting of Daily and a Start After setting of 8/1/93 10:00 P.M. will have its second repeat job activated after 8/2/93 10:00 P.M., the third at 8/3/93 10:00 P.M., and so on.
A job that runs a package command at target clients.
A Run Command On Workstation job sends the source directory specified by the package's Workstations properties to target sites (and places them on specified distribution servers) and makes the package command available at target clients. At each target client, the user can run the package command by selecting the package command.