This guide includes the following chapters.
Chapter 1, "Server Reference" Describes the different types of servers used in SMS, and the components, shares, directories, and files used on those servers.
Chapter 2, "Client Reference" Describes the components used on SMS clients, and the files installed on the clients.
Chapter 3, "System Flow" Describes in detail how SMS performs its primary functions. Includes detailed system flow diagrams that illustrate how the components interact.
Chapter 4, "File Formats" Describes the text-based files that SMS uses to maintain system performance.
Chapter 5, "Working with Systems Management Server" Describes a variety of tips for working with SMS. Includes information on working with package definition files (PDFs), Network Monitor, and SNMP traps.
Chapter 6, "Tuning" Describes how to find and fix bottlenecks in an SMS system.
Chapter 7, "Troubleshooting" Provides information about troubleshooting an SMS system.
This guide also includes a glossary and an index.