Monitoring for Specific Events

You can use the Event Log Scan tool (Evtscan.exe) to monitor servers for specific events. When a specified event is detected, the Event Log Scan tool can be configured to:

To run the Event Log Scan tool

Create a configuration file with a .cfg extension specifying the events and actions required. The format is as follows:

EventID;Source;Action;Alert list;Mail list;Command line;Comment string;

Following is a list of each configuration entry and a description for the type of event.

Configuration Entry


Event ID

The numerical event ID (see the Windows NT Event Viewer).


The source name for the service to monitor.


The action to take; can be Restart or Stop.

Alert list

A comma-separated list of computers to send network pop-up messages to when the event is detected.

Mail list

A comma-separated list of e-mail aliases to notify when the event is detected.

Command line

Command line with parameters (can be up to 256 characters in length).

Comment string

A comment that is included in the alert pop-up message and e-mail message when the event occurs.

Run Evtscan.exe by using the following command-line format:

Evtscan -f <config_file> -u <profile_name> [-p <password>]
[-t <
delay_in_seconds>] server_list

where config_file is the name of the configuration file created in step 1, delay_in_seconds is the time the tool waits between scans (for example, typing -t 15 sets the tool to scan for events every 15 seconds), profile is the name of the exchange profile to be used, password is the password for the profile, and server_list is a comma-separated list of the servers to monitor for the events.

Following is an example of typical syntax usage for the Event Log Scan tool: Evtscan -f test.cfg -u scan -t 15 server1,server2,server3

Leave Evtscan running on your computer desktop. You may want to minimize the command prompt window.

Sample Configuration File

The following is a sample configuration file.

;sample config file. 
;Event ID;Source;Action;Alert List;Mail List;Command;Comment String
9277;MSExchangeMTA;restart; monitorwks1; johncole;winbeep.exe;Event 9277
9278;MSExchangeMTA;stop; monitorwks1;;notify.bat;Event 9278
9279;MSExchangeMTA;; monitorwks1; Aron Mecsi;;Event 9279
9299;MSExchangeMTA;;monitorwks1,monitorwks2;ChbierZ,EtueD;;Shutdown Complete