Using Mailbox Statistics

When you use Mailbox Statistics, you set up an administrator's mailbox for collecting results and send the tool to your users to run it against their sets of personal folders. When users submit a number of results, you can run the tool in administrator mode and export results to a variety of output formats. Before you send the tool to your users, you can test it with a small subset of about 10 people to ensure the tool works as expected and to become familiar with the different kinds of results.

Note Mailbox Statistics can detect only Microsoft Exchange Server distribution lists (DLs).

If the Save Items to Sent Mail option is not selected in a user's Microsoft Exchange setup, then Mailbox Statistics cannot determine the number of messages sent per day. You can ask the test group to select this option for at least seven days before the study to collect enough information to use.

To use Mailbox Statistics:

To set up the administrator's mailbox

Using the Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator program, create a mailbox with the display name StorStat.

Set permissions on this mailbox according to your organization's procedures, so that the Microsoft Exchange Server administrator's account has user permission on this mailbox.

Results appear as MAPI messages with the subject "UserName UserResults." You can use the Inbox Assistant to forward or copy results to another folder.

To send mailbox statistics to users

From the Microsoft Exchange Client Compose menu, choose New Message.

In the message body, type instructions for your users.

From the Insert menu, choose File, and then attach StorStat.exe to the message.

It appears as an icon in the message.

Users can be concerned about using the tool if they believe it will alter, damage, copy, or intrude in any way on their sets of personal folders. For this reason, you can include information to reassure them that no information is read or copied, no damage is inflicted on their data, and no changes are made to their data when this tool is running.

How a User Works with Mailbox Statistics

The user opens the message and starts a copy of the tool, which opens the Message Stores Statistics Analyzer dialog box listing all the user's personal folders. At least one message store must be selected before analysis can be started.

By default, all personal folders are selected. The user can choose Clear All to cancel the selection and then select specific folders to analyze, or choose Select All to select all the personal folders. If the user chooses Exit, no analysis is performed.

When the user chooses Start Analyzing, the tool opens and analyzes every personal folder file owned by that user. The tool then generates statistics, including the number of folders, the number of rules, and the amount of e-mail per day in each folder. A progress bar and the folder names are displayed as messages are processed.

When the Mailbox Statistics tool finishes analyzing the folders, it displays the following message: "Results have been automatically sent to your administrator. Thank you for your cooperation." Optionally, the user can also save the results. When the user deletes the announcement message, StorStat.exe is also deleted.

Running Mailbox Statistics in Administrator Mode

This procedure assumes that an administrator's mailbox (named StorStat) has been created and is available to collect results from users. You can check on the number of responses by opening the Inbox and viewing the number of messages containing "UserResults." When enough responses have been gathered, you can tabulate them by running the Mailbox Statistics tool in administrator mode.

If you have results generated by an earlier version of the tool, store them separately from later results. With the results separated, you should receive no error messages caused by using the tool on mixed-version generated results.

If you want to use the macro included with Mailbox Statistics, save your results in the Microsoft Excel .csv file format.

To run Mailbox Statistics in Administrator mode

At the command prompt, type:

storstat.exe -a

Set the default messaging profile to the Mailbox Statistics administrator's mailbox, or select the profile.

You'll see a progress bar move as messages are processed. When all messages are processed, the Summary Results dialog box appears.

Choose Save As to save results in a location under a file name you specify, or choose Exit to disregard these results.

Exporting results

When the Mailbox Statistics tool completes its analysis of each set of personal folders, it sends a message to the administrator's mailbox you set up for collecting the results. When you run the tool in administrator mode, you can save your results as many times as you want, using different file types.

To export your results

Run Mailbox Statistics in administrator mode.

In the Save As dialog box, select a file type for your results.

Interpreting results

Remember that the Mailbox Statistics tool works with available data. For example, if a few users empty the Deleted Items folder when quitting Microsoft Exchange, and others do not, you can see wide differences between the statistics calculated from the Deleted Items folder. Moreover, Forward and Reply may not be computed as expected with localized Microsoft Exchange clients because the logic looks for RE: and FW: characters.

The first time you review the results, use the following example to become familiar with the local source of each statistic.

Sample Mailbox Statistics results

The following two sections list captions that precede each statistic the Mailbox Statistics tool displays. The first illustrates statistics from a single set of personal folders. The second illustrates statistics from combined sets of personal folders collected in an administrator's mailbox.

If the caption is self-explanatory, no note is included. If a note is included, it follows the caption and is enclosed in brackets. Notes either define terms or clarify logic.

Service Provider: Personal Folders.
Message Store: Archive.
Total msgs in entire store: 575.
Total msgs in received mail folder: 80.
[By default, the received mail folder is the Inbox.]

Total msgs in sent mail folder: 10.
[If this number of 0, it's possible the Save Mail in Sent Items option has been turned off. If this option is off, then a number of other statistics related to outgoing mail will also be 0.]
Total msgs in Deleted Items folder: 67.
Total number of non-standard top level folders is 21.
[A standard folder cannot be deleted by a user, and includes the Inbox, Sent, Deleted Items, and Outbox folders.]
Average number of subfolders of top level folders is 0.12.
[The total number of folders is divided by the total number of subfolders.
Average depth of top level folders is 0.04.]
[Depth implies how "far down" subfolders exist. For example, an Inbox with a subfolder would generate a depth of 2.]
Total msgs in msg store with at least one attachment is 118.
[An attachment can be a file, a message, or a link.]
Percentage of the total msgs in the store that contain at least one attachment is 20%.
[Number of messages with attachments divided by total number of messages, converted to a percentage.]
Average msgs sent per day is 0.00.
[This average is calculated using the number of days in the sample.]
Average msgs sent per day (real) is 0.00.
[This average is calculated using all the days between the first and last date that a message was sent. This number also includes days when no messages were sent. So, for example, if a user sent mail on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 'sent per day' would be divided by 3 and 'sent per day (real)' would be divided by 5.]
Largest number of msgs sent a day is 0
[A day is defined as midnight to midnight and is not configurable.]
Largest number of recipients on a message is 0
[A recipient can be either a single recipient or a single distribution list (DL).]
Average number of recipients on all sent msgs is 0.00.
[Total number of recipients on sent messages divided by the number of messages sent.]
Average number of DL recipients on all sent msgs is 0.00.
[Total number of DLs on sent messages divided by the total number of messages sent. If you are using a different mail system to control DLs, then the number sent to DLs will be lower than expected. Mailbox Statistics detects only Microsoft Exchange Server DLs.]
Percentage of the total msgs sent to at least one DL is 0%.
[Number of sent messages with at least one DL divided by the total number of messages sent.]
Total msgs sent to at least one DL is 0.
Average number of replies per day is 0.00.
[Number of replies, message subject prefix equals RE:, divided by the number of days messages were sent.]
Average number of forwards per day is 0.00.
[Number of forwards, message subject prefix equals FW:, divided by the number of days messages were sent.] 
Average number of replies per day (real) is 0.00.
[Number of replies, message subject prefix equals RE: divided by the total number of days surveyed.]
Average number of forwards per day (real) is 0.00.
[Number of forwards, message subject prefix equals FW:, divided by the total number of days surveyed.]
Percentage of sent messages that were replies is 0%.
[Total number of sent messages that were replies divided by the total number of sent messages.]
Percentage of sent messages that were forwards is 0%.
[Total number of sent messages that were forwards divided by the total number of sent messages.]
Combined size of all messages in message store 19318K.
[Cumulative size of all messages as reported by MAPI. Don't be concerned by the relationship between the size of the private information store (Priv.edb) database file and the total message store size reported by Mailbox Statistics, because they do not correspond one-to-one.]
Folder with the largest combined size of messages had 9062K in it.
[This is the sum of all message sizes in a single folder. It does not include subfolder totals.]
Largest # of messages in any folder 106.
Average size of messages per folder 689.93K.
[Total size of all messages divided by the number of folders in a store.
Total number of folders in message store 28.
[Total number of messages in the message store, including the standard folders, Inbox, Outbox, Sent Items, and Deleted Items.]
Max depth of folders is 2.
[Depth implies how "far down" subfolders exist. For example, an Inbox with a subfolder generates a depth of 2.]
Average # of msgs received per day 6.75.
[Total number of messages in a store divided by the number of days during which a message was received. This number can be skewed if a message is copied multiple times within a store or if the Empty the Deleted Items Folder upon Exiting option is selected.]
Average # of msgs received per day (real) 3.28.
[Total number of messages in a store divided by the total number of days.]
Maximum # of msgs received in a day 54.
Number of Inbox rules is 0.
[Number of Inbox Assistant rules including Out of Office Assistant rules.]
Results for provider: Combined Message Stores.

Number of result messages for this provider: 0.
Average # of messages in Inbox: 0.0.
Average # of messages in Sent Items: 0.0.
Average # of messages in Deleted Items: 0.0.
Highest number of additional folders of any message store: 0.
[This number excludes the standard folders, which are Inbox, Outbox, Sent Items, and Deleted Items.]
Lowest number of additional folders of any message store: 0.
Average number of additional folders for all message stores: 0.0.
Number of msgs total for all message stores: 0.
Percentage of those msgs that contain at least one attachment: 0%.
Largest number of msgs in any message store: 0.
Average number of msgs per message store: 0.0.
Average number of msgs sent per day: 0.0.
Average number of msgs sent per day (real): 0.0.
Highest number of msgs sent per day: 0.
Lowest of the maximum sent per day: 0.
[If this number is 0, a user may have either emptied the Sent Items folder or sent no mail in a day.]
Average number of recipients per sent msg: 0.0.
Average number of distribution lists per sent msg: 0.0.
Total number of messages sent to at least one DL: 0.
Percentage of total messages sent to at least one DL: 0%.
Avg # of subfolders of top level folders: 0.0.
Avg depth of top level folders: 0.0.
Largest # of recipients on a single message: 0.
Average # of replies per day: 0.0.
Average # of forwards per day: 0.0.
Average # of replies per day (real): 0.0.
Average # of forwards per day (real): 0.0.
Percentage of sent messages that are replies: 0%.
Percentage of sent messages that are forwards: 0%.
Percentage of sent messages that were originated: 100%.
[100 percent minus the percentages of replies and forwards.] 
Combined size of all messages: 0K.
Average message size: 0.0.
Folder containing largest size of messages: 0K.
Folder containing largest # of messages: 0.
Average # of messages per folder: 0.0.
Total # of folders: 0.
[Total number of folders for all clients, including the Inbox, Outbox, Sent Items, and Deleted Items for each.]
Avg # of folders per message store: 0.0.
Largest # of folders per message store: 0.
Deepest folder tree: 0.
Avg # of messages received per day: 0.0.
Avg # of messages received per day (real): 0.0.
Largest # of messages received per day: 0.
Total # of Inbox rules: 0.
Largest # of Inbox rules: 0.
Avg # of Inbox rules: 0.0.

Questions and Answers

The following are common questions and answers about the Mailbox Statistics tool:

Q: Why haven't I received any results in the administrator's mailbox?

A: Check the installation of the Mailbox Statistics tool, including these verifications:

Q: Why didn't we receive all the results?

A: Each user can decide whether to run Mailbox Statistics. Some time may lapse before all the results are sent, especially if you gave no deadline, or if some users are away from the office. If the number of results is low, verify that all users received the instructions and the Mailbox Statistics tool, and then send a reminder to run the survey.

Q: Why can't Windows for Workgroups or Windows 3.1x users run the tool?

A: Mailbox Statistics is a 32-bit tool. It can be used only with Windows 95 or Windows NT Workstation operating systems.