The Management Chain List tool requires a MAPI profile to report on the management chain list. If no profile is specified, the tool uses the default profile created by your e-mail application. As shown below, you can also create your profile by using the Control Panel.
To create a new MAPI profile
In the Control Panel, double-click the Mail icon.
Select the Services tab, and then select Microsoft Exchange Server from the list.
Choose Show Profiles.
To use this tool, you can provide optional blanks between options and their values (for example, /pProfile). Remember to use double quotation marks when you type values that contain blanks.
In addition to using the command-line syntax noted below, you can also obtain this information by typing MGNTLIST /? at the command prompt. Following is the typical syntax usage for the Management Chain List tool.
MGNTLIST [/p Profile] [/s Server] [/i Site] [/e Enterprise] Name [Name]...
The Display Name, Alias, Title, Department, and Phone [or Phone2] are listed for the user, the user's manager, the second-level manager, and so on.
If a manager's display name is missing within the Microsoft Exchange global address list (GAL), an error message is generated as part of the formatted management chain list.
The Management Chain List tool runs only through a command line.
The tool uses an upper boundary of 20 levels to prevent an infinite loop in finding users who report to themselves. Although this number is arbitrary, it should not create a problem because the management hierarchy for most users is rarely above 8 to 10 levels.