
You can upgrade a database that was created using a previous release of Microsoft Exchange Server to the current version. The correct syntax for performing this function is edbutil /u <database name> /d<previous .dll> [options].

Note This utility should only be used to upgrade a database after an internal database format change has occurred.

The following table is a list of the parameters and options to use with EDBUTIL when upgrading a database. For options, you can use zero or more of the switches, separated by a space.

Parameters and Options


<Database name>

File name of the database to upgrade.

/d<previous .dll>

File name of the .dll file that came with the release of Microsoft Exchange Server from which you are upgrading.


Makes a backup copy under the specified name.


Sets the temporary database name with a default name of Tempupgd.edb.


Preserves the temporary database indicating not to instate.


Dumps the upgrade information to a file called Upgdinfo.txt.


Suppresses the logo.

Before you upgrade the database, the database should be in a consistent state. If the database is not in a consistent state, an error message will be returned. If you disable instating by using the /p switch, the original database is preserved unchanged, and the temporary database will contain the upgraded version of the database.