The ISINTEG utility is a Microsoft Exchange Server information store integrity checker. The correct syntax for using this utility is:
isinteg -pri|-pub [-fix] [-verbose] [-l log file name] [-test test name,...]

The following table describes the switch options, parameters and their description.

Parameters and Options



Private information store


Public information store


Check and correct, with check only as the default.


Report verbosely.

-l file name

The default file name is \isinteg.pri|pub.

-test test name

The default is all tests.

Folder message


Mailbox message

delfld acllist rcvfld timedev rowcounts

Attach message

morefld oofhist peruser

Attach global

searchq dlvrto namedprop

Ref count tests

msgref attachref acllistref aclitemref fldrcv fldsub

Special tests

deleteextracolumns (not included in all)

isinteg -patch

Repair information store after an offline restore.

-patch ()

isinteg -pri|-pub -dump [-l logfilename] (verbose dump of store data)