Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store Registry Reference

This section provides the details on the registry settings used by the Information Store. Values that are shown bold are created by Server Setup. Values that are not bold are not visible until you create them. If you do not specify a value, the default value is used. If you specify a value that is outside the minimum or maximum value, the maximum or minimum is used, respectively.

Caution You should not change any of the Microsoft Exchange Server registry key values unless you are familiar with the full effect of the change.

Under Registry Key:



Default Value


Aging Clean Interval


Units: Seconds
Min: 60
Max: 3600

Column Aging and Index Aging occurs during the Maintenance Schedule set in Administrator on the server object. This interval indicates how long to wait after the start of a clean before starting another clean. If the clean takes longer than this interval, a new clean is started immediately after the first clean completes.

Aging Keep Time


Units: Seconds
Min: 60
Max: 3600

Column Aging and Index Aging occurs during the Maintenance Schedule set in Administrator on the server object. This interval indicates how long to keep columns of indices before they are cleaned.

Circular Logging

Whether to use Jet circular logging. This causes transaction log files to be reused. When this is on, differential and incremental backups will not work. The information store service must be restarted to reread this value after it is toggled.

DB Log Path

Where Edb*.log files go

DB Recovery

Whether to activate logging/recovery.
0 = no, 1 = yes.

DB System Path

Path where System.edb is located.

DS Computer

Server where the DS to use is located

Max Threads

Maximum number of threads that are created by the information store service.

MTA Computer

Server where the MTA to use is located

Online Compaction

On or off

Reread GWART Interval


Units: Seconds
Min: 60
Max: 3600

The interval at which the GWART is reread so that new gateways can be detected.

Reread Information Store Quotas Interval


Units: Seconds
Min: 60
Max: 3600

The interval at which quotas on the information store object in the DS are read in order to update.

Synch Mailbox/Check OOF Interval


Units: Seconds
Min: 60
Max: 3600

This Server

Name of this server

Working Directory

Path to working directory for information store

Under Registry Key:



Default Value


Clean Per User Read Interval


Units: Seconds

Min: 60

Max: 3600

Cleaning per user read occurs during the Maintenance Schedule set in Administrator on the server object. This interval indicates how long to wait after the start of a clean before starting another clean. If the clean takes longer than this interval, a new clean is started immediately after the first clean completes.

DB Path

Path where Expriv.eis is located.


Disables the Private store.
0 = Not disabled. 1 = Disabled.

General Event Log

Mask used to control which sub-categories within each event log category are actually written to the NT event log. Its default value is 0. This will cause a few very basic (start and stop) events to be logged. Set mask to 0xFFFFFFFF to log all events.

Log Downloads

Bit mask to control which download actions (items copied out of the information store) are written to the event log. Normally set to 0 (default) for the Private information store.


0x1 Attachment downloads

0x2 Message downloads

0x4 Folder downloads

Reread Logon Quotas Interval


Units: Seconds
Min: 60
Max: 3600

This interval indicates how often to read logon object quotas from the DS.

Track Duplicates


Units: Hours
Min: 1
Max: 24

Time interval for which duplicates are tracked at delivery. This is the interval for which information on received messages will be kept and duplicates will be eliminated. The BackgroundCleanup task must be enabled for this to work.

Transport Event Log

See Private General Event Log

Under Registry Key:



Default Value


DB Path

Path where Expub.eis is located.


Disables the Public store. 0 = Not disabled.
1 = Disabled.

General Event Log

Mask used to control which sub-categories within each event log category are actually written to the NT event log. This will cause a few very basic (start and stop) events to be logged. Set mask to 0xFFFFFFFF to log all events.

Log Downloads

Bit mask to control which download actions (items copied out of the information store) are written to the event log.


0x1 Attachment downloads

0x2 Message downloads

0x4 Folder downloads

Maximum Cached Categorizations

Read PF Instances Interval


Units: Seconds

Min: 60

Max: 3600

This interval indicates how often to read the DS to determine which public folders are replicated to this server.

Read PF Settings Interval


Units: Seconds
Min: 60
Max: 3600

This interval indicates how often to read the DS to determine the replication configuration of public folders that are replicated to this server.

Replication has 3 possible values (the default value is 1):

0: replication disabled

1: replication enabled, with default settings (registry overrides are ignored)

2: replication enabled, using registry overrides, if they are available.

Replication Backfill Timeout (Solicited): Timeout value used for testing backfill. Don't change the default value.

Replication Backfill Timeout (Unsolicited): Timeout value used for testing backfill. Don't change the default value.


Replication DS Updates

Units: Seconds

Min: 900

Max: 3600

This is the time interval at which the replication agent will look for updates from the directory service. This requires a DS call for every folder in the IPM subfolder tree, and the DS calls are very slow right now (up to 20 seconds per call), so don't set this value too small.

Replication Event Log

This is a 32-bit mask of the replication sub-categories used when writing to the Windows NT event log (application). Enabling the appropriate bits listed below will enable detailed information about various specific areas of replication. It is intended primarily for debug use, but will ship as part of the product, to help track down problems in the field.

// equivalent to TraceError - will list every function and its error code returned

#define elscLogError (ELSC)0x80000000

// report high level replication errors

#define elscReplError (ELSC)0x00000001

// report changes from the directory service

#define elscReplDs (ELSC)0x00000002

// report information related to incoming replication messages

#define elscReplMsgIn (ELSC)0x00000004

// report information on outgoing replication messages

#define elscReplMsgOut (ELSC)0x00000008

Replication Event Log (cont.)

// report information on the MDBs to which a replication message is mailed

#define elscReplMsgOutRecipients (ELSC)0x00000010

// report information on replication conflicts, and their resolution

#define elscReplConflict (ELSC)0x00000020

// report information on replication message timeouts

#define elscReplTimeout (ELSC)0x00000040

// report information on message expiration by age limit from public folders

#define elscReplExpiry (ELSC)0x00000080

This default setting is 0, which will cause only the replication agent start and stop to be written to the Windows NT event log. The other subcategories are subject to change without notice, as is the format of the entries in the event log. Additional subcategories will be added in the future. If you want to see all of the possible replication category event log entries, set the "Replication Event Log" value to 0xFFFFFFFF. You need a lot of disk space for this.

Replication Expiry


Units: Seconds

Min: 60

Max: 3600

Messages are expired during the Maintenance Schedule set in Administrator on the server object. This interval indicates how long to wait after the start of the last expiry before starting another expiry. If the expiry takes longer than this interval, a new expiry is started immediately after the first expiry completes.

Replication Folder Count Limit


Because public folders are slow to create, transport replication message size limits and internal size limits, it is necessary to place a folder count limit (per replication message). If 20 folders have been created but not yet replicated, and the "Replication Folder Count Limit" is set to 10, then the first 10 folders will be sent in 1 replication message, immediately followed by the next 10 in another replication message.

Replication Message Count Limit


Same as Replication Folder Count Limit, but for messages.

Replication RMR Timeout


Units: Seconds

Min: 60

Max: 3600

This is the time interval that replication messages which cannot be processed will be held.

Replication Send Folder Tree


Units: Seconds

Min: 60

Max: 3600

Used to override the default rate at which the folder hierarchy is replicated.

Replication Status Updates


Units: Seconds

Min: 60

Max: 3600

Time interval at which status broadcasts will be sent for a folder. When this much time has passed with no replication messages sent for a given folder, a status message will automatically be sent.

Replication Timeout


Units: Seconds

Min: 60

Max: 900

This is the frequency at which the replication agent will check its internal state tables for backfill timeouts. Smaller values will cause timeouts to be detected closer to the actual timeout, but also tend to swamp the server. Don't change the default value unless you know what you are doing.

Track Duplicates


Units: Hours

Min: 1

Max: 24

Time interval for which duplicates are tracked at delivery. This is the number of hours for which information on received messages will be kept and duplicates will be eliminated. The BackgroundCleanup task must be enabled for this to work.

Transport Event Log

See Public General Event Log.

Under Registry Key:



Default Value



Specifies the number of categories supported.


Specifies the path and filename for the category message file.


Specifies the path and filename for the event identifier message file.

Under Registry Key:
MSExchangeIS Private



Default Value



Specifies the number of categories supported.


Specifies the path and filename for the category message file.


Specifies the path and filename for the event identifier message file.

Under Registry Key:
System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\MSExchangeIS Public



Default Value



Specifies the number of categories supported.


Specifies the path and filename for the category message file.


Specifies the path and filename for the event identifier message file.

Under Registry Key:



Default Value



The Group this service belongs to. For the information store, none.


Services the information store depends on. For the information store, MSExchangeDS.


Long display name of the service. For the information store, Microsoft Exchange Information Store.


Specifies the severity of the error if the information store fails to start during startup and determines the action taken by the startup program if failure occurs.


Path to .Exe file for information store service.


Specifies the machine account for the context that the service will be run under.


Specifies when to start the service (autostart, manual start, disabled, etc.)


Specifies the type of service (Win32 process, Windows NT device driver, Windows NT file system driver, etc.)

Under Registry Key:

These are all Performance Monitor settings.



Default Value




First Counter

First Help

Last Counter

Last Help



Under Registry Key:



Default Value

