2.5 Help File Corrections

2.5.1 Corrections to Smstools.hlp

Note the following changes to the Smstools.hlp file:

In the description of CHECKRAS.EXE:

The first sentence of the description should change to "Checkras is run on an SMS client, and indicates whether it is connected to a server using the Remote Access Service (RAS)."

In the description of rservice:

The following Note appears in Help for rservice:

Note If the path to the initialization file is incorrect, you will get the following message: The domain is not specified in the [DOMAIN NAME] section of INI file .\test.ini.

This note no longer applies.

In the section on using SKIPINV.EXE:

For more reliable operation, SKIPINV.EXE should be run from the client rather than from the server. In the example script, both instances of the line


should be replaced by

    xcopy skipinv.exe c:\



This tool runs only on the x86 platform. The section on "Installing the inventory file collector on ALPHA computers" should be disregarded.

In the description of files required for TRACER.EXE:

Disregard the comments in the Files Required section.

In the description of UGMIF.EXE:

Under Files Required, the final sentence should read "This tool must run from the directory in which the DLLs are located: SMS\SITE.SRV\platform.bin."

In the syntax description of UGMIF.EXE:

The /t option description should be "includes domains that trust the domain in which UGMIF.EXE is executed in" The /d:domain description should be "Specifies a Windows NT domain. User groups will be listed from this domain. If /t is also used with this switch, user groups from all domains trusting this domain will also be listed."

2.5.2 Corrections to Exchtool.hlp

Corrections and Additions to Help Information on the Buddy Dropper Tool


Error Message: Buddy Dropper Remote tool: ERROR 10048: Unable to create server socket.

This error is displayed if another application is already using Dropper Remote's Winsock socket. Use Task Manager to verify that there is no DROPRM.EXE already running. If only one instance of Droprm.exe is running, another custom WinSock application may be running. Turn off this application while Droprm.exe is running.

Corrections to Help Information on the Mailbox Cleanup Agent

The tool location is listed incorrectly in the exchtool.hlp and tools.doc files as the

Exchange\<operating system\platform>\Security\Keytoken subdirectory on the Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit, Part Two CD-ROM. The correct location is the Exchange\<operating system\platform>\Admin\MBClean subdirectory on the Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit, Part Two CD-ROM.

Corrections to Help Information on the Mailbox Migration Tool

The Control File fields are abbreviated in error in the exchtool.hlp and tools.doc files. The correct Control File fields are listed in the table below. A sample control file (sample.csv) is included in the Exchange\Winnt\<platform>\Admin\MBMigrate directory on the Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit: Part Two CD-ROM.



Control File Field

Control File Field


Source Organization Name


Source Site Name


Source Alias


Source Display Name


Source New Display Name


Source Server Name


Destination Organization Name


Destination Site Name


Destination Alias


Destination New Display Name


Destination Server


PST Locations


PST Backup Flag


Setup Auto Rules


Copy Sent/Deleted Items Flag







Corrections and Additions to Help Information on the ASpiriN Tool

In the description of ASpiriN:

"The ASpiriN tool enables you to conveniently view and browse X400 ASN.1 data by using the ASN.1 X400 templates from the Microsoft Exchange Server message transfer agent (MTA)."

should read:

The ASpiriN tool allows you to decode and interpret X.409 ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation 1) data. ASN.1 is a language for describing structured information. In Exchange, the Exchange Message Transfer Agent (MTA) transmits P1 envelope and sometimes P2 content data in ASN.1 format. This tool can be used to decode or interpret ASN.1 data much like our Exchange MTA would decode and interpret the data. ASpiriN supports P1, P2, and P772 data.

Additional ASpiriN Help File Information

The following sections should have appeared in the ASpiriN Help File.

To install ASpiriN

From the Exchange\<operating system\platform>\Admin\ASpiriN directory on the Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit, Part Two compact disc, copy ASpiriN.exe to your computer.

Using ASpiriN

To run ASpiriN:

From the Start menu, choose Run, and then choose Browse to search for the folder or subdirectory where you copied the file.

Select the ASpiriN folder, and then select ASpiriN.exe.

To open a hexadecimal or binary-format ASN.1 file:

From the File menu, choose Open.

Select Hex if the file contains ASN.1 data encoded as hexadecimal ASCII.

Select Binary if the file contains ASN.1 data encoded as raw binary.

To produce ASN.1 data files from a Microsoft Exchange Server MTA log file:

The Microsoft Exchange MTA logs messages and other information in the Exchsrvr\Mtadata directory as BF*.log files. These files contain, among other pieces of data, ASN.1 hexadecimal dumps of messages passing through the MTA. These ASN.1 blocks can be viewed by using ASpiriN if they are parsed out of a BF*.log file.

To view ASN.1 blocks:

From the File menu, choose Parse MTA Log.

Select a log file, such as Bfo.log, and then choose OK.

After you follow these steps, ASpiriN produces one hexadecimal file in the same directory as the log file for each block in the log file. Some, but not all blocks, are ASN.1 data. You can view the ASN.1 hex files by following the procedure outlined earlier.

Note Not all references obtained from the BF*.log file are ASN.1. If they are not ASN.1 ASpiriN will pop up a warning that says:

ERROR: HRESULT=0xe0010004; Cannot identify beginning type. Decoding stopped at offset 0

If the offset says 0, the reference in the BF*.log was not ASN.1. This is not a bug. If the offset was not zero, then part of the ASN.1 was parsable, and there were some problems. Offsets past offset 0 are potential interoperability problems and may warrant reporting to Product Support.

These warnings, as described above, point out places where the ASN.1 interpreter did not understand some of the data, and point out potential interoperability problems with other MTAs. Please report errors to Product Support of the type:

WARNING: Unknown Type encountered at offset 465. Basic Encoding Rules will be used for this type and its children

When reporting problems concerning ASpiriN.exe such as Feature requests, bug reports, etc.

Please include the following:

Exchange MTA version number

ASpiriN.exe version number

Foreign MTA (if appropriate) and vendor and version number.

A detailed description of the problem or request

The .hex or .bin ASN.1 file or the BF*.log with problem

Troubleshooting ASpiriN

If you have problems during ASN.1 decoding, a message should appear describing the problem. If applicable, you are prompted to choose whether you want the decoder to attempt to continue. Continuing does not guarantee that the decoding will be successful.

If a decoder error is produced, verify that:

You have access permissions on the ASN.1 data file

The selected file is actually ASN.1 data

You chose the correct data format (hexadecimal or binary). If one format didn't work, try the other.

If you have problems parsing an MTA BF*.log file, verify that:

You have permissions to create files in the BF*.log's directory.

You have disk space available to create additional files.

The log file is not obviously corrupted.

The log file is not empty.

Corrections and Additions to Help Information on the Duplicate Proxy Search Tool

The directory names are listed incorrectly in the Help file. The help file should read:

To install the Duplicate Proxy tool

From the Exchange\<operating system\platform>\Admin\Dupproxy directory on the Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit, Part Two compact disc, copy Dupproxy.exe to your computer. From the Libs directory on the Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit, Part Two compact disc, copy Wldap32.dll to the \Windows\System directory for Windows 95 or for Windows NT, copy Mergeini.exe and the DLL to the system32 directory.

Corrections and Additions to Help Information on the Pkicker Tool

The directory names are listed incorrectly in the help file. The help file should read:

To install the PKicker tool

From the <operating system\platform>\Admin\Pkicker subdirectory on the Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit, Part Two compact disc, copy Pkicker .exe to your computer. From the Libs directory on the Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit, Part Two compact disc, copy Rpcdce4.dll to the \Windows\System directory for Windows 95 or for Windows NT, copy Mergeini.exe and the DLL to the system32 directory.

Using the Pkicker tool

When the tool is sucessfully run, the message "Passed:" is displayed. This message notifies the user the tool is working correctly and that the proxy modification has been initiated.

Warning It is possible to remove X400 proxies with the Pkicker tool. If you inadvertently remove a proxy, you can regenerate them by using the following command line.

pkicker /Fadd /Tx400 where T = proxy type

Corrections to Help Information on the PF Admin Tool

The command line usage help (pfadmin ?) incorrectly states that there is additional help for sections LISTACL and LISTREPLICAS.

Warning Use the REHOME command with caution! The REHOME comand deletes the existing Replica list and sets it to the server where the folder is being re-homed. The previous Replica list will be lost. The REHOME option is equivalent to SETREPLICAS with a single replica specified.

Corrections and Additions to Help Information on the Inetxidm Tool

The Internet Idioms Tool requires Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 with the Microsoft Exchange Client installed. It will not work on Windows NT 3.51. Internet Idioms does not support Microsoft Outlook 97, Microsoft Office WordMail, or Microsoft Office 97 WordMail.

When you first start your mail client after installing the Inetxidm tool, you may get the following message:

"You are starting a version of Exchange (or Windows Messaging) that postdates the last version officially tested with Internet Idioms. Do you wish to load Internet Idioms?"

Click yes to disable this message in the future. If you do not with to run Internet Idioms, Exit and log out of Exchange. Run regedit, open the key


and delete the "Internet Idioms" registry entry and its value. Delete the file inetxidm.dll from your computer.

Internet Idioms will not work with the simplified send note included in the Windows 95 Messaging Update. This will prevent Idioms from appending signatures to messages sent through Internet Explorer mailto: references unless you clear Tools - Options - Send - Use simplified send note to disable this feature.

If you read messages routed through the Microsoft Exchange Serve Internet Mail Service, Idioms cannot change the read font.

2.5.3 Correction to SNAtools.hlp

The online help file for SNATALK states that "Banyan VINES requires the VNSAPI32.DLL." The DLL is delivered with the Banyan VINES Enterprise Client. It is SNATALK.EXE that requires this DLL to run properly.