The PCM service normally will not run jobs while the PCM application is running. To ensure that the PCM application is not running, either disable (or remove) the PCM application, or make sure that no user is logged on. To disable the application, use the Windows NT 4.0 Task Manager.
Any packages sent to SMS 1.2 clients with the package properties Automated and System (Background) Task need to be performed by the PCM service rather than by the PCM application. To avoid problems that could arise if the PCM application attempts to execute a job intended for execution by the PCM service, a modified version of PCMWIN32.EXE (the PCM application executable file) is now available from Product Support Services (PSS). The modified PCM application will not attempt to run jobs that are Mandatory and that have the package properties Automated and System (Background) Task. Such jobs will wait. When the user has logged off and the PCM service sees the ready job upon its next polling cycle, these jobs will be run by PCM service, instead. Remember that once the PCM application is launched, it continues to run until the user logs off, or until the process is stopped using the Windows NT Task Manager. Choosing Close from the File menu merely hides the PCM application; it doesn't end it.
The new version of PCMWIN32.EXE should be installed before the PCM service is deployed, as described in the following procedure.
To install the modified PCMWIN32.EXE
Go to the source directory on the site server, and overwrite the source PCMWIN32.EXE file with the new PCMWIN32.EXE file. The old file will be in the subdirectory \site.srv\\client.src\platform.bin, where platform.bin is either x86.bin or alpha.bin.
Change the date and time on the file SYSTEM.MAP (in the main SMS installation directory) to the current date. Several utility programs are available in the public domain to do this. One simple way is to edit the file in Notepad and then save it (while being careful not to change the file's contents.) The file must be saved in ASCII format.
Maintenance Manager will then create a new copy list that includes the new version of PCMWIN32.EXE; distribute the new PCMWIN32.EXE to all SMS logon servers in the site; and update the copy-list version number in the copy-list files. The first time a client runs the SMS logon script after the logon servers are updated, the new copy list will be detected, and the new PCMWIN32.EXE will be copied to the client.