Troubleshooting the Remote Viewing Session

Once the client has been located and permission granted, the remote viewing session begins. A variety of options and settings are available, and are documented in the "Remote Troubleshooting" chapter in the SMS Administrator's Guide. Unless you understand the consequences of altering these settings, they should be left at the defaults.

One issue that arises is the speed you can expect in remote viewing. Currently, only SMS includes encryption, so only SMS remote viewing is secure. Some people have stated that certain third-party products are faster than SMS remote viewing; this is an effect of the encryption phase.

For faster remote viewing in SMS, lower the resolution on the client computer and force16-color viewing. This decreases the amount of information that goes across the network.

Remote viewing is fastest over NetBEUI, and NetBIOS over TCP/IP is generally a bit faster than TCP/IP sockets.

For a successful remote viewing session:

Troubleshooting Display Problems

Once the client computer's Remote Control Agent has been located and permissions have been granted, the Remote Control Agent hooks into the video driver graphic functions, encrypts them, and sends the information to the SMS Admin workstation.

For the display to appear properly, the SMS Admin workstation video driver and card must be able to interpret and display the information they receive, including all drawing functions, colors, and font information. The wide variety of display drivers and video cards available complicates this process.

Further, graphical information requires a great deal of memory. The higher the resolution, and the greater the detail in the display, the more memory required to store the information. When this information is sent over a network in "real time" to display on another computer, a considerable amount of bandwidth is used.

Common display problems include display incompleteness or color-mapping problems and font problems.

Display Incompleteness or Color-Mapping Problems


Font Problems


Fonts may be missing, may be an incorrect type, may be an incorrect size, or may be an incorrect split.



Disable the custom fonts, and restore the default setting:


Troubleshooting Passing Keystroke Information Problems

Very few problems arise regarding passing keystrokes to the client computer. Basically, the keyboard drivers on the SMS Admin computer must be compatible with those on the client.


Keystrokes on the SMS Admin computer do not have the expected effect on the client.
