SNMP Trap Monitor allows you to check the reliability and throughput of your SNMP trap delivery system. SNMP Trap Monitor tests the delivery of SNMP traps from a trap generator to a trap receiver by comparing the number of traps sent and received.

The SNMP protocol does not support acknowledgment of sent traps, but SNMP Trap Monitor stores received traps in a database, providing a way to keep track of sent traps. Therefore, SNMP Trap Monitor must be run on at least two computers, so that the traps sent by an SNMP agent can be received, stored, and compared at all computers running SNMP Trap Monitor. All sites running SNMP Trap Monitor can see all the received traps at any other site.

To reduce network traffic, place one of the SNMP Trap Monitors at the site where the SNMP agent is sending traps; this will reduce network traffic, because traps are internally looped back. The second SNMP Trap Monitor can be placed at another site to test network reliability.

Runs On

Alpha, x86

Files Required for TRAPMON


The following software is also required:

Microsoft ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) Driver 2.0 or higher
Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 or higher
TCP/IP and SNMP protocols
Windows NT SNMP service

Setting Up SNMP Trap Monitor

The following procedures include two instances of SNMP Trap Monitor and one of SNMP agent. Before starting either procedure, complete the following steps:

Install TCP/IP and SNMP protocols on all computers that will run SNMP Trap Monitor. Because SNMP Trap Monitor uses the PUBLIC community, be sure the SNMP protocol's security is set up to receive traps from the PUBLIC community, which is the default.

Install TCP/IP and SNMP protocols on the monitored computer that will be transmitting traps. Set up the SNMP protocol on this computer to send traps to all computers running SNMP Trap Monitor using the PUBLIC community.

Install ODBC on all computers that will run SNMP Trap Monitor. ODBC must point to the computer running SQL Server, in which SNMP Trap Monitor will create its trap database. The name of the database that will be created is specified in the initialization file.

Create or modify an initialization file.

To Set Up SNMP Trap Monitor on a Local and a Remote Site

In this procedure, one SNMP Trap Monitor runs on the monitored node, which is the local computer running the SNMP agent, while the second SNMP Trap Monitor runs on a remote computer.

Setup the SNMP agent in Control Panel on the local site to send traps to itself and the remote SNMP management console.

Run the following command on both the local and remote computers:

trapmon.exe TRAPMON.INI

Transmit traps to the local and remote computers.

To Set Up SNMP Trap Monitor on Two Remote Sites

In this procedure, neither instance of SNMP Trap Monitor runs on the monitored node, which is the local computer running the SNMP agent.

Setup the SNMP agent in Control Panel at the monitored node to send traps to both remote SNMP management consoles.

Run the following command on both remote computers:

trapmon.exe TRAPMON.INI

Transmit traps to both remote computers.

The SNMP Trap Monitor GUI

Shortly after running the TRAPMON.EXE command, the SNMP Trap Monitor GUI appears. This window includes the following items:

No new data is shown until you click Refresh.

Usage Strategies

This section outlines some ways to use SNMP Trap Monitor.

Connectivity Testing

Connectivity can be tested by low quantity, timed, controlled event logging. You can confirm the receipt of traps sent from an SNMP agent to an SNMP management console. Problems can be caused by network topology or network configuration.

Data Saturation Testing

A network storm can be simulated by large quantity, untimed, uncontrolled event logging. You can determine if there are any network or SNMP bottlenecks.

Frequency, Threshold, and Throughput Testing

You can generate a certain number of events per second to determine at what frequency traps fail to be received at an SNMP management console. This determines the maximum number of traps that can be reliably sent for a given agent-manager connection.

Connection Saturation Testing for Frequency and Delay

You can generate a number of events per second used in the previous test, then wait. This determines if the receiver at the SNMP management console is able to handle traps received at a constant rate.

Testing Whether a Trap is Lost or Stalled

When sending many traps at once, sometimes not all of them are received; they are either lost or stalled. Wait a few seconds, then send one more trap. If the missing traps were stalled, they will show up with the latest trap.

For example, you send 100 traps at once, but only 98 are received. You then send one more trap and three are received; the missing two traps were merely stalled, not lost.


This section offers various suggestions for solving problems.

Other Tools to use with SNMP Trap Monitor

Network Monitor

Network Monitor can determine where traps are being dropped in a network, as well as trace problems with network configuration and network devices.


Windebug can debug the SNMP extension agents and SNMP management console applications.


SMGENIE generates events, which the SNMP Event to Trap Translator can convert to traps, which will be forwarded to the SNMP Trap Monitor.

SNMP Event to Trap Translator

The SNMP Event to Trap Translator (see the SMS Administrator's Guide) converts Windows NT system and application events (events written to the Windows NT event log) into SNMP traps.


trapmon [init_file]


A TRAPMON initialization file. The default is TRAPMON.INI in the current directory.

TRAPMON Initialization File

Node_ID RES RES RES ODBC_data_source ODBC_table ODBC_user_ID [ODBC_password]

The TRAPMON initialization file (default name TRAPMON.INI) has one record of the preceding form. The fields in this record have the following meanings:


A computer name without backslashes (for example, node5), or a dotted IP address (for example, 172.918.3.14)


These are reserved for future use. Specify the value 1.


The name of an ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) data source to which you can direct logged data.


The name of a table within ODBC_data_source to which you can direct logged data. If this table does not exist, TRAPMON creates it.


The user ID used for connecting to ODBC_data_source.


The password used for connecting to ODBC_data_source.

Notes on SNMP Trap Monitor's Behavior

Because SNMP traps are transmitted using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), there are limitations on them that affect the operation of SNMP Trap Monitor:

SNMP Trap Monitor provides what the SNMP protocol lacks: an artificial means of acknowledging traps sent using the UDP.

SNMP Trap Monitor also provides a means of determining the reliability of SNMP trap transmission, taking into account the following: