Clients have special options to control the transport protocol used by the Help Desk and Diagnostics components. During client setup, these options are read from SMS.INI for the wuser, usertsr, and useripx command lines.
CLIOPTS /SET sets the usertsr, useripx, or wuser options so that they can be preserved during upgrade or execution of SMSRUN16.EXE. CLIOPTS /SET overwrites previous option settings, except /w on usertsr, which cannot be changed by CLIOPTS. In addition to setting option values, CLIOPTS sets [Local] SetupPhase=verify_files to force CLISETUP to rewrite the new option values.
Changes do not take effect until Windows is restarted. For usertsr, the computer must be restarted. The first time Windows is restarted, CLIENT.BAT gets the new usertsr value, but CLIENT.BAT then requires a computer restart to start usertsr with the new value. See the example.
CLIOPTS can also be distributed as a PCM job. There is no PDF currently available, but a batch file containing the needed options can be written.
CLIOPTS is a 16-bit application.
Alpha, x86
cliopts /set option option_value
cliopts /list option
Sets the named option to the specified value in SMS.INI.
Lists the current value of the named option in SMS.INI.
The name of an option in SMS.INI.
The value to set for the named option.
To change the Lana number to Lana 1 on Windows for Workgroups:
cliopts /set usertsr /L1
cliopts /set wuser /L1
Quit and restart Windows.
Quit windows again, then restart the computer.
SMS.INI would contain these values: