FERRET reports information that can be detected on Compaq computers supporting Compaq AssetControl. This information is beyond that reported by SMS, and includes certain data stored in the BIOS (see Compaq documentation for specific information on setting up the BIOS):
FERRET writes a NO_ID MIF file that is collected by the Inventory Agent as part of its normal operation. FERRET requires the existence of a correct SMS.INI file on the computer so that it can properly generate the NO_ID MIF file, and it also requires that the computer is running Compaq AssetControl. If FERRET is run on a non-AssetControl computer, it simply exits.
Use FERRET.PDF to create Package Command Manager jobs to run FERRET on appropriate computers. Put FERRET.EXE and the vendor-specific mapping file in the package source directory for FERRET. The file for Compaq computers is CPQBSSA.TXT. All of these files can be found in \BORK\SMS\CLIENTS\WIN16.
ferret [/v]
Verbose mode. More output is displayed on the screen.