
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The IBroadcastFilter::Match method checks whether the announcement describes a data transmission that should be received, and if so, whether Announcement Listener should schedule a task to receive the data. If Match returns TRUE and the Schedule parameter is also TRUE, then Announcement Listener creates a task in the Task Scheduler in the Microsoft® Windows® 98 operating system. This task receives the associated data. If Match returns TRUE and the Schedule parameter is FALSE, the announcement is treated as if it had been matched and scheduled, but no task is created.

  IBroadcastAnnouncement *Announcement,  // in
  BOOL AlreadyMatched,                   // in
  BOOL *Schedule,                        // out
  BOOL *lpfReturn                        // out, retval


Pointer to the object containing the announcement.
Flag that indicates to a filter whether the announcement has already been matched by another filter. (This flag is of interest only to a filter designed for monitoring or debugging. For a filter that is not ListenAll, this parameter is always FALSE.)
Pointer to a flag used by the filter to request Announcement Listener to schedule a task for future receipt of the data. Necessary scheduling information can be obtained by using the IBroadcastFiler::GetDisposition method.
Pointer to a flag used by the filter to indicate that the filter has found a match on the announcement data.

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT indicating success or failure of the call.

See Also
