Video Card Recommendations

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The following features are recommended for video cards supporting Broadcast Architecture on computers running the Microsoft® Windows® 98 operating system:

For more detailed information about these features, refer to Hardware Design Guide for Microsoft® Windows® 95, available from Microsoft Press®.

Another important point to note is that both the MPEG decoder and the SVGA should be running at the same 60 frames per second to avoid beat frequency artifacts. One solution is to have the MPEG decoder and the SVGA share a single clock crystal tunable to a voltage-controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO). This crystal is run through a phased lock loop to generate both the 27 megahertz decoder clock and the SVGA pixel clocks. This clock tuning is necessary to synchronize the clocks to the MPEG encoder's time base of 60 hertz.