
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Seek method returns a value that indicates whether the specified record object was found in the recordset.

  LPCTSTR lpszComparison,  
  CObject &coo             


A string that indicates the type of comparison operation to perform, for example "=" or "<".
In the protected CDatabaseRecordset implementation of this method, this parameter is a reference to a record object.

In the public CChannelTRecordset implementation of this method this parameter is a long that specifies the channel identifier to search for.

In the public CEpisodeTRecordset implementation of this method this parameter is a long that specifies the episode identifier to search for.

Return Values

If the object was found in the recordset, this method returns TRUE. Otherwise it returns FALSE.


Note that the Seek method only seeks on fields in the currently opened index.

For example, if you passed a CStation object to the CStationRecordset::Seek method, it will search for the first record with matching call letters, and ignore other fields such as the station name.

The table-specific version of this method is implemented by the CTableNameRecordset objects that inherit from CDatabaseRecordset. However, the Seek method is implemented as a protected function by all recordset objects except CChannelTRecordset and CEpisodeTRecordset.


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in dbsets.h.
  Import Library: Use dbsets.lib or dbsetsSt.lib.
  Unicode: Yes.