Guide Data Objects

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Guide data objects are a set of objects that applications can use to retrieve or set values in the Guide database. They wrap the Data Access Object (DAO) code necessary to access the Guide database's records and fields.

It is recommended that your loader application use the Guide data objects because they provide a convenient and tested programmatic interface to the records and fields of the Guide database.

These objects are also used internally by the Microsoft® WebTV® for Windows® component and the database loader applications installed with the Broadcast Architecture.

For more information, see the following topics:

To compile programs that use the Guide data objects, the Dbsets.h header file must be in the Include directory of your C/C++ compiler. You must also include header files for each recordset object that you use. For example, if your loader uses the CNetworkRecordset and CNetwork objects to access information about television networks, the loader must include the file Network.h. In addition, your application should link to the Dbsets.dll dynamic-link library.

To locate more information on working with DAO, see Further General Information.