
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The GetRecord method returns a record object. This object contains information corresponding to a single record in the Guide database.

void* GetRecord(
  long RecordNumber  


The 0-based index of the record to retrieve from the recordset. This cannot be greater than the value returned by GetRecordCount - 1.

Return Values

A void pointer that receives the record object. Your application must cast the void pointer to the appropriate object type before it can access the record. For example, if your application calls the GetRecord method of an CEpisodeTRecordset object, an episode record object is returned. Thus the void pointer would need to be cast to an CEpisodeT pointer.

Your application can then use the methods of the record object to retrieve and set field values.

When the record object is no longer needed, your application should destroy it.


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in dbsets.h.
  Import Library: Use dbsets.lib or dbsetsSt.lib.
  Unicode: Yes.