Updating the Guide Database

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The process of loading current information into the Guide database begins with the Loadstub component of Broadcast Architecture. This component calls a loader to load data into the database. Which loader to call is specified in the Loadstub arguments when Loadstub runs.

Typically, you set the Loadstub component as a task in the Task Scheduler. Making Loadstub a task allows the Program Guide data for the tuning space associated with the specified loader to be automatically updated at regular intervals. The task for a particular tuning space specifies that Loadstub should be run and the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the appropriate database loader DLL.

At the time designated by the task, the Task Scheduler runs the stub program (Loadstub.exe), passing the GUID of the appropriate loader DLL along with other command options. The stub program reads entries in the computer registry to identify the location and file name of the loader DLL based on the specified GUID. Then Loadstub uses the location and filename found to load the specified loader and call it.

The following illustration shows how the system starts the loader DLL.

For details about the information that needs to be in the registry to support tuning spaces and Guide database loaders, see Program Guide Registry Entries. For more information on creating and using Guide database loaders, see Guide Database Loaders.