Channel Table

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Channel table in the Guide database defines for each tuning space all properties and all channels that can be tuned to. The Channel table contains the following fields. For information on reserved fields, see Reserved Fields in the Channel Table.

Field Description
C Channel ID Internally generated unique identifier for this channel.
C Channel Number Tuning identifier for the channel's input stream.
C Description Extended description of this channel.
C End Time Time when this channel becomes unavailable on the network.
C Enhancement Mapping ID    Mapping identifier from the Enhancement table.
C Last Update Last time this row in the table was updated.
C Length Length of the time the channel is available, in minutes.
C Rating ID Foreign key from the Rating table.
C Start Time Time when this channel becomes available on the network.
C Station ID Station mapped to this channel during the specified time period.
C Tunable Value that specifies whether the channel can be tuned to.
C Tuning Space Logical identifier of the network type for the physical broadcast (for example, broadcast tuner, satellite, and so on).