
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The EnhEvent object stores information about an enhancement stream event.

Property Description
Attr A collection of the microevents within an event.
AttrCount Number of microevents in the current event. This property enumerates the values stored in Attr.
Before A value that indicates whether the compiler should download all dependencies of the event before the event's start time.
Depend An array of the event's dependency files.
DependCount Number of dependencies currently set for the event. This property enumerates the values stored in Depend.
Handle A unique identifier for the event. This property is read-only.
HRef Indicates whether HTML hyperlinks should be treated as dependencies for this event.
IsAnnounce Indicates whether the event is an enhancement announcement.
IsInclude Indicates whether the event includes another enhancement stream into the current stream.
IsTrigger Indicates whether the event is a trigger.
Length Length of the file, in bytes. This property is read-only.
Name Name or text value of the event.
onefile Indicates whether to transmit the file and all its dependencies as a single cabinet file.
Only Indicates whether dependencies, such as images and animations, should be resolved for this event.
Opcode Describes the operation type of a microevent, for example a trigger or downloading a file. The Opcode collection describes the types of the microevents stored in Attr.
PageName Returns the portion of Name enclosed by angle brackets.
Priority FTS priority value.

This property is not yet implemented.

Repeat The interval, specified in seconds, between repetitions of the event.
RestOfName Returns the portion of Name outside of angle brackets.
Start Start time of the event, in seconds.
TargName Name of the navigational target specified in the event.
Text Stream language text of the event.
Timeout Time at which the event is garbage collected.

This method is not implemented in version 1.0 of Broadcast Architecture.

Trigger Numerical identifier that identifies the trigger type.
Until Duration of the event repetition, in seconds.
XMitDuration Time that it will take to transmit the event. This value is read-only.
XMitName Filename of the file on the client. In other words, the destination filename. This property is read-only.

Method Description
Delete Removes the event from the EnhEvents collection.
Flatten Flatten the event into low-level events.
UnFlatten Unflatten the event from low-level events back into its original high-level event form.


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in stream.idl.
  Import Library: Included as a resource in stream.dll.
  Unicode: Yes.