Interactive Shows

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

An interactive show is one in which the video is accompanied by interactive content. This content can take many forms, for example:

Because Broadcast Architecture uses Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and World Wide Web technology as the basis for enhancements, any type of content that can be delivered over the Web can also be used as a show enhancement.

An enhancement can incorporate functionality such as rotating content, hyperlinks, Java applets, and Microsoft® ActiveX® controls. Enhancements can even interact with Microsoft WebTV for Windows by scripting a dynamic-link library (DLL) that implements a ITVControl advise sink.

Note  All ActiveX controls used in enhancements must be signed. Otherwise, the ActiveX control is not displayed or run by Microsoft® WebTV® for Windows®. This additional security is to prevent unauthorized controls from being downloaded and run as enhancements. To locate information on how to sign an ActiveX control, see Further Information on Data Services for the Client.