Enhancement Registry Entries

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The broadcast client uses the following registry entries to store information about enhancements. These values are stored in the registry key:

HKLM/Software/Microsoft/TV Services/Enhanced Content/

Name Data type Description
AcceptFullPaths DWORD Indicates whether the Enhancement control resolves the paths of trigger parameters relative to the spool directory.

Normally, the Enhancement control restricts paths to be relative to the spool directory. If AcceptFullPaths does not exist or is set to zero, the Enhancement control resolves the paths relative to the spool directory.

If this value is non-zero, the Enhancement control does not resolve the path. In other words, each path must contain a fully specified path, for example "C:\Program Files\TV Viewer\Temp Enhancement\MyEnhShow.5".

Authoring tools can set this key to enable the Enhancement control to read files from a folder other than the spool folder. This is useful when testing the enhancement stream locally.

Enhanced Content String Location of the spool directory on the client. By default, this value is set to C:\Program Files\TV Viewer\Temp Enhanced Content.