
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The ipsend object, provided by IPEnhSnd.dll, is the enhancement listener's counterpart at the head end. This objects transmits the enhancement events, triggers, announcements, and data, over the broadcast medium.

You can call the methods and properties of the ipsend object to programmatically control what is sent.

The ipsend object has the following properties, methods, and event.

Property Description
AnnouncementAddress IP address on which announcements are sent.
AnnouncementPort IP port on which announcements are sent.
FTSAddress IP address on which FTS transmissions are sent.
FTSPort IP port on which FTS transmissions are sent.
NetCard Specifies the network interface card used for transmission.
ReportStatus Sets whether an enhancement control running in the same process as ipsend reports its status.
Status Status of an enhancement control running in the same process as ipsend.
Throttle Amount of bandwidth to use for FTS transmissions.
TriggerAddress IP address on which triggers are sent.
TriggerPort IP port on which triggers are sent.
TTL Time-to-live for the transmission.

Method Description
ConnectAnnouncement Establishes a connection for transmitting announcements.
ConnectFTS Establishes a connection for transmitting FTS files.
ConnectTrigger Establishes a connection for transmitting triggers.
SendAnnouncement Transmits an announcement.
SendDeleteAnnouncement Transmits a delete announcement. A delete announcement removes enhancement data from the Guide database.
SendEvent Parses and transmits an enhancement event.
SendFTSFile Transmits an FTS file.
SendTrigger Transmits a pre-formatted trigger.
TriggerCAB Formats and transmits a Data trigger that unpacks a cabinet file.
TriggerFTS Formats and transmits a Data trigger to download a file using FTS.
TriggerNavigate Formats and transmits a Nav trigger.
TriggerScript Formats and transmits a Script trigger.

Event Description
StatusChanged The status of an enhancement control running in the same process as ipsend changed.


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in ipenhsnd.idl.
  Import Library: Included as a resource in ipenhsnd.dll.
  Unicode: Yes.