Setting a Record Reminder

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

A record reminder is a task set in Task Scheduler that at a specific time starts an application that controls a VCR or similiar device to record a show. Record reminders are set in the same manner as show reminders save for a few additional steps. These are listed below:

  1. Instead of using Tvx.exe to display the reminder, you should specify either a custom application you have created to handle record reminders or Tvxwakeup.exe.
  2. If the recording process has helper applications, such as an application to turn a VCR on and off, the location and filenames of the helper applications should be listed in the StartRecordingApp and/or EndRecordingApp values in the registry. These values appear under this registry key:

    HKLM\Software\Microsoft\TV Services\Explorer\

    StartRecordingApp specifies the application that should be run before recording starts, and EndRecordingApp specifies the application that should be run after recording is complete. These values may specify the same application if it implements both starting and ending functionality.

    Tvwakeup.exe automatically looks for these registry keys. If they exist, Tvwakeup.exe runs the helper applications at the appropriate times. If you are using a custom application to handle record reminders, it should implement this functionality.

    For more information about the helper applications specfied in StartRecordingApp and EndRecordingApp, see Record Reminder Helper Applications.

  3. Set the TASK_FLAG_SYSTEM_REQUIRED flag for the reminder. This can be done using the Task Scheduler. This flag enables applications to tune the television tuner even if the system is sleeping. Note that this does not wake up the display if the system is sleeping, so that recording can be done quietly.

    Note  The TASK_FLAG_SYSTEM_REQUIRED flag should not be set for standard show reminders. Version 1.0 of Broadcast Architecture does not support standard show reminders that go off while the system is sleeping.