Getting Scheduled Reminders

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Your application can use the TSS object library to retrieve a collection or enumeration of all currently scheduled show reminders, or a list of the reminders set. Your application can then set, edit, and delete the scheduled reminders.

To access all scheduled reminders, your application calls the ITelevisionServices::get_ScheduledItems method. Doing so populates and returns a collection of ScheduledItems objects, each one corresponding to a scheduled reminder. Your application can then set, edit, and delete reminders using the methods of the IScheduledItems interface.

To retrieve a list of the scheduled reminders set, your application calls the ITelevisionServices::ResolveScheduledReminders method. Doing so generates a Data Access Objects (DAO) QueryDef query, which you can then run on the Guide database to generate the list of reminders set.To locate more information on DAO, see Further General Information.