
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The ITelevisionServices interface provides the following methods to enable your application to retrieve read-only properties associated with this interface. For information on reserved methods, see Reserved Methods in ITelevisionServices.

When to Implement

You do not need to implement this interface. It is implemented in the Tssadmin.dll library.

When to Use

Call the methods of ITelevisionServices to access utilities related to TSS.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments reference count.
Release Decrements reference count.

ITelevisionServices methods Description
get_SystemFile Retrieves the name of the Microsoft® Jet database .mdw file used by TSS. This property is read-only.
get_DatabaseFile Retrieves the name of the Jet .mdb file that is the Guide database. This property is read-only.
get_ScheduledItems Retrieves a IScheduledItems collection that contains all the show reminders currently active in the system. This property is read-only.
ResolveBroadcast Creates a DAO QueryDef query that represents the specified show reference. If a start time is specified in the show reference, the ResolveBroadcast method returns all matching episodes that start at that time.
SplitBroadcastSchedule Parses a show reference into its constituent parts.
SplitSimpleBroadcastSchedule Performs the same function as the SplitBroadcastSchedule method, except that time and date information is returned as a Date variable.
MakeLocalBroadcastSchedule Returns a correctly formatted show reference.
MakeRemoteBroadcastSchedule Provides a wrapper for the MakeLocalBroadcastSchedule method that substitutes wildcard values for computer- or locality-specific parameters.
TuningSpaceNameFromNumber Maps the numeric identifier of a tuning space in the Guide database to a user-readable string, such as "Broadcast" or "Cable."
TuningSpaceNumberFromName Maps a user-readable string denoting a tuning space, such as "Cable" or "Broadcast," to the numeric identifier for that tuning space in the Guide database.
ResolveScheduledReminders Creates a DAO QueryDef that represents the television shows that match the currently scheduled show reminders.
LoadEnhancement Loads data about an enhancement into the Guide database.
LoadEnhancementsFromFile Loads data about multiple enhancements into the Guide database.
DeleteEnhancementFromID Deletes data about an enhancement from the Guide database.
DeleteOldEnhancements Deletes expired enhancement information from the Guide database.
RemapEnhancements Maps enhancement information in the Guide database to the corresponding channels and episodes.
get_ClipboardFormat Returns the identifier for the clipboard format for show references.
get_ClipboardFormatName Returns the registered name of the clipboard format for show references.
ResolveBroadcastInclusively Creates a DAO QueryDef that represents the specified show reference. If a start time is specified in the show reference, the ResolveBroadcastInclusively method returns all matching episodes started before or ending after that time.


ITelevisionServices is derived from the IDispatch interface. To locate more information on IDispatch, a COM interface, see Further Information on Television Services for the Client. To locate more information on Microsoft® Win32® API functions called by ITelevisionServices methods, see Further General Information.


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in tssadmin.odl.
  Import Library: Included as a resource in tssadmin.dll.
  Unicode: Yes.

See Also
