Getting Information About Broadcast Architecture Using TSS

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The TSS object library provides methods that you can use to acquire information about the current Broadcast Architecture installation.

To get the path and name of the system workgroup information file that is used for TSS database security, your application calls the ITelevisionServices::get_SystemFile method. With this information, your application can set the system database of the Microsoft® Jet database engine. The path and file name of the Guide database can be retrieved by calling the ITelevisionServices::get_DatabaseFile method. With this information, your application can open the Guide database. To locate more information on working with Jet databases, see Further Information on Television Services for the Client.

Broadcast Architecture saves information about a new clipboard format for show references in the registry. The TSS object library provides methods to retrieve information about this format. With this information, your applications can cut and paste show references using the clipboard. To retrieve the clipboard format identifier, your application calls the ITelevisionServices::get_ClipboardFormat method. To retrieve the clipboard format name, your application calls ITelevisionServices::get_ClipboardFormatName.