
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The IsRecordItem method returns a value indicating whether the episode is a record item.

HRESULT IsRecordItem(


Pointer to a variable that receives VARIANT_TRUE if a record reminder is set for the episode, and VARIANT_FALSE otherwise.

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT indicating success or failure. If the method succeeds it returns S_OK. Otherwise it returns an error code. For specific error code values see Winerror.h.


WebTV for Windows sets record items. Some record items, typically episodes that are for display purposes only, do not have a valid time slot associated with them — in other words, their TS Time Slot ID field equals zero. If the time slot identifier is zero, but IsRecordItem returns S_OK, this indicates that a record reminder is set but that there are no shows matching this record reminder in the Program Guide.


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Import Library: User-defined.
  Unicode: Yes.

See Also

IEPGEpisode::IsRemindItem, IEPGEpisode::RemindRecordIdx, IEPGEpisode::Repetition