Using WebTV for Windows

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

You can take advantage of the technology behind Microsoft® WebTV® for Windows® by writing custom World Wide Web controls that are displayed by and interact with WebTV for Windows. You can also write a stand-alone application that either controls or monitors WebTV for Windows, or both.

If your application monitors WebTV for Windows, you must ensure that an instance of WebTV for Windows is running when your application starts. You must do so because your application cannot create a new instance of WebTV for Windows but instead must obtain a reference to a running instance. For more information on how to do this, see Getting a Pointer to WebTV for Windows.

Once your application has connected to WebTV for Windows, it can directly control WebTV for Windows using the methods of the ITVViewer interface. Your application can also register a sink for the ITVControl interface that enables your application to receive event notifications, such as when WebTV for Windows tunes to a new channel.

For details about working with WebTV for Windows, see the following topics:

The Broadcast Architecture material includes a sample MFC application, Tvxsamp.exe, which demonstrates how to connect to and control WebTV for Windows. To locate Tvxsamp.exe, see Broadcast Architecture Sample Applications.

For additional information on the tasks involved in using WebTV for Windows with custom controls, see Creating Controls for WebTV for Windows.