Displaying a Record Reminder from the Command Line

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The following command line syntax causes WebTV for Windows to display a record reminder dialog box for the specified episode and to tune to the specified channel when the episode starts. If WebTV for Windows is not currently running, this command starts WebTV for Windows.

<path>Tvx.exe /b "<show_reference>" /u "<user_name>" /a "tvviewer!Record!<duration>!"


The path to the WebTV for Windows directory, typically "C:\Program Files\TV Viewer". The location of this directory is stored in the ProductDir value under this registry key:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\TV Services

If you are running the command line from the WebTV for Windows directory, you do not need to specify the path.

The show reference of the episode for which the reminder is set. For more information, see Show Reference Format. If the show reference is invalid, or the date specified in the show reference string is not the current date, WebTV for Windows does not display the reminder. If the show reference is valid, but is missing some pieces of information, WebTV for Windows attempts to fill in the missing information by matching the show reference to an episode in the Guide database.
The name of the user setting the reminder. For version 1.0 of Broadcast Architecture this is typically "GuestUser".
The duration of the show, in minutes.

Note  The Task Scheduler uses this command-line syntax when it calls WebTV for Windows to display a record reminder. For more information, see Show Reminder Format. To locate more information about the Task Scheduler feature of Windows 98, see Further General Information.


The following command line causes WebTV for Windows to display a record reminder for the show titled Time & Again.

C:\Program Files\TV Viewer\Tvx.exe /b "1997/11/4!0/0/0!23:30!
0!0!0!0!0!0!0!0!''!'MSNBC'!'Cable'!15!'Time & Again'" 
/u "GuestUser" /a "tvviewer!Record!30!"