Receiving Events from WebTV for Windows

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Microsoft® WebTV® for Windows® sends event notifications for such events as tuning to a new channel and navigating to a new enhancement page. Your control receives notification of WebTV for Windows events by doing the following:

  1. Implementing the ITVControl interface.
  2. Obtaining a reference to WebTV for Windows as described in Connecting to WebTV for Windows. Your control must obtain this reference before it can call the methods exposed by ITVViewer or register an ITVControl notification sink.
  3. Registering its implementation of ITVControl as a notification sink with WebTV for Windows. This enables your control to receive WebTV for Windows event notifications.

For a detailed description of how this is done, see Registering an ITVControl Sink.

Note  Currently, WebTV for Windows only sends notifications to applications running in the same process as WebTV for Windows. An example of such an application is a Microsoft® ActiveX® control or component called from an enhancement page that is currently being displayed by WebTV for Windows.