BPCVid Methods

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The following methods are implemented in the BPCVid object.

Method Description
AboutBox    Displays version and copyright information about the Video control.
AutoScan Returns the signal strength of the channel.
Close Sets all inputs and outputs to NULL.
MinMaxChannel Returns the lowest and highest channel numbers supported by the specified tuning space.
Refresh    Forces an update to the current window size, position, and visibility.
ReInit Requests that the video server reinitialize the filter graph.
TSDeviceCount    Returns the number of devices available for a given tuning space.
Tune Selects an input device based on the tuning space parameter, sets the current input device to the selected device, and tunes the current input device to the specified channel.

The following methods are implemented in the BPCVid object as wrappers for the equivalent methods in the Visual Basic Extender object.

Method Description
Drag Begins, ends, or cancels an operation in which the control is dragged.
ShowWhatsThis    Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the "What's This" pop-up provided by Help.
Move Moves the position of the control.
ZOrder Places the control at the front or back of the z-order within its graphic level.
SetFocus Set the focus to the control.